Hepatitis B

China has had a long history of people being affected by Hepatitis B, of the 350 million people

affected by Hepatitis B one third of them, namely 120 million people reside in China. As Of
2006 China had immunized 11.1 million people in China from hepatitis B and still the work is
going on extensively in the People’s Republic of China. These efforts have been done to show
their support and agreement to the Global Alliance for Vaccination against Diseases. Since
2005, the Chinese Government has, made the treatment of Hepatitis B for children of ages 3-12
free of cost throughout China. Every Year China experiences a loss of 400 people at the cost of
Hepatitis B and is working extensively in this field.


In China there are currently 740,000 people are which are affected by AIDS. In 2009 nearly
26,000 people died of AIDS in China and China has been experiences great losses at the
hands of AIDS. Even though the number of people that are affected is large but if we look at
the percentage of people which are affected is extremely less keeping in mind China’s huge
population which is nearly 1.3 billion. Only 0.1% people in China are affected by AIDS. Initially
characterized by denial and inaction, the Chinese government has recently realized the danger
of ignoring HIV and AIDS and has initiated a broad programme to tackle the epidemic.

AIDS in China Further this is a great Link, Check it.


With over 100 million people in China affected by mental illness, China is no stranger to this
problem, even though with a 100 million people affected by mental illness, Chinese health
authorities have constantly said that is a reasonable number for a country with 1300 million
people as mentally challenged and people affected from mental illness forms a percentage
of every countries population and so it does of China. Mental illness has now overtaken heart
disease and cancer as the biggest burden on the Chinese health system, according to the
World Health Organization, affecting seven per cent of the population. The definition of mental
illness is broad, and a large proportion of Chinese suffer from relatively minor conditions such
as anxiety, depression, drug addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The current five
year plan in China has included Mental illness in their major obstacles and has allotted huge
amounts of money towards the same.


The definition of mental illness is broad, and a large proportion of Chinese suffer from
relatively minor conditions such as anxiety, depression, drug addiction and obsessive-
compulsive disorder. Unlike in developed countries, there is no preventive or primary health
care system in place to stop the rise of cardiac disease. The real extent of heart disease in
rural China is unknown because statistics are fraught with error and bias due to difficulties in

ascertaining cause of death in places where 90% die without seeing a doctor. Therefore there is
a need to ascertain the real incidence and prevalence of heart disease and to develop adequate
preventive and primary care in the Chinese countryside. Stroke is the largest cardiovascular
killer in China at about 40% of total mortality in 2007.

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